DigiMax D8 | 八通道话筒前置放大器(带 48 kHz ADAT 输出)


基于我们备受赞誉的 XMAX A 级固态前置放大器,DigiMax D8 已经成为一个经典,提供 8 个 XMAX 前置放大器 ——足够录音棚设备提升到一个更高的水平。


十多年来,DigiMax 系列的前置放大器/转换器已经被全世界无数的录音棚所依赖。基于我们备受赞誉的 XMAX A 级固态前置放大器,DigiMax D8 已经成为一个经典,提供 8 个 XMAX 前置放大器 ——足够录音棚设备提升到一个更高的水平。得益于它的 8 通道、24 位 ADAT 光学输出,DigiMax D8 为 ADAT 光学设备提供了一个优秀的前端或扩展器,例如我们的 AudioBox 1818VSL、Studio 192 和 Studio 192 移动音频/ MIDI 接口。

Superior sound.

A good microphone preamp boosts a mic’s level to almost 400 times that of the original signal, making the preamp one of the most important stages in an audio system. A cheap, off-the-shelf, op-amp-type mic preamp delivers thin, noisy, harsh results. In contrast, PreSonus® XMAX microphone preamps deliver incredibly high headroom, deep lows, smooth highs, and a rich overall sound. With XMAX preamps, your system's sound quality is limited only by the microphone you plug in.

The right analog I/O makes the D8 a versatile front end.

Its complement of inputs and outputs makes the DigiMax D8 a versatile front end for virtually any system. Two convenient front-panel instrument inputs let you plug in guitars, bypassing the mic inputs. All other connections are in the rear, keeping the wiring out of your face. With eight XLR mic/line inputs, you can plug in virtually any mic- or line-level sound source. Eight ¼-inch, balanced, direct channel outputs allow you to add preamps to devices with line-level inputs or split the mic preamps between two devices.

Expand via ADAT Optical and record the whole band.

Eight-channel, 24-bit, 44.1/48 kHz ADAT Optical (“Lightpipe”) output makes the DigiMax D8 an excellent way to add more analog inputs to any third-party, Lightpipe-equipped digital-audio device. Better yet, add a DigiMax D8 to a Lightpipe-equipped PreSonus AudioBox® 1818VSL for a 2-rackspace rig with 16 XMAX-equipped recording channels—enough to record an entire live band. To keep your digital audio in sync with ultra-low jitter, the D8 receives word clock at its BNC connection and sends word clock via ADAT Optical.

Careful, it's loaded!

The DigiMax D8 is a proven solution for adding eight professional microphone preamplifiers to any digital recording system. You can easily integrate it into your studio, thanks to plentiful I/O, variable trim control for each preamp, 48V phantom power (switchable in odd-even pairs), fast-acting LED metering, and a 20 dB pad. And you'll love its sound! 



  • 八个双用途的前面板通道输入,每个都带是大动态的XMAX TM话筒放大器

  • 八个话筒/ 线路输入      

  • 时钟源(可以设置为外部或内部时钟:44.1或48kHz采样频率)


  • 八个平衡卡侬麦克风/ 线路输入

  • 一个BNC字时钟(Word Clcok)输入

  • 八个平衡1/4"直接输出输出(一个通道一个)

  • 一个ADAT光缆光纤数字输出



  • ADAT光缆数字输出:24bit分辨率,44.1和48kHz采样频率

  • 主的字时钟(Word Clcok)通过ADAT光缆或外部从字时钟中控制

1U 19"机架,坚固钢制底盘

  • 密封,手感优化,金属控制旋钮

  • 内部标准IEC接口电源供应



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