

QMix | Wireless Aux-Mix Control for iPhone® and iPod touch®

Your personal monitoring system is in your pocket.You love mixing but are tired of bands complaining about their monitor mixes. Or you’re in the band, and the sound person never gets your monitors right. You’d like a personal-monitoring system but can’t afford it and don’t want the wiring hassles. Problem solved! If you have a (first-generation) StudioLive® 16.0.2, 16.4.2, or 24.4.2 mixer, your new onstage personal monitoring system is probably in your pocket. With free PreSonus® QMix® software, up to 10 musicians can simultaneously control the mixer’s monitor (aux) mixes using an iPhone® or iPod® touch. And you don’t have to be a technical wizard to use it.Personal monitor mixing without the cost and complication.Do the math: Personal monitor-mixing systems run between $200 and $700 per person and require lots of connections. In contrast, even if you don’t own an iPhone, a used 3G or 4G iPod touch can run you as little as $125. And unlike expensive personal-monitor systems, you don’t need to run hundreds of feet of audio cables: QMix controls the monitor aux mixes on your StudioLive mixer over a wireless network.Easy to set up and use.QMix is incredibly easy to set up and use. As long as you’re within Wi-Fi range of your StudioLive mixer, you’re in control. Goodbye, wiring hassles! Setup is quick and easy, and you don’t need to enter IP addresses or subnet masks or even know what those are. Once connected to the network, each musician can quickly and easily create an aux mix that includes all mixer channels. We made it all as easy as possible so the musicians can focus on performing.Learn more about how QMix enables custom personal monitor mixing.Safe, sane, and secure.Powerful networking and wireless remote control is great—but what if you’re using QMix and someone tries to hack into your Wi-Fi system and take control of your monitors? That guitarist you fired would totally do that to you. Even if you forgot to change the router password, you can put the kibosh on that rogue, thanks to the StudioLive mixer’s security features! Mixing personal monitors with QMix is yet another way that StudioLive mixers make your gigs easier, better, and more enjoyable.
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Fat Channel Collection | Fresh Sounds for StudioLive Series III Mixers

PreSonus Fat Channel plug-ins are state-space modeled by world-class engineers with Ph.D.’s in analog signal processing to faithfully produce the sound and response of the original hardware processors. Now you can have a wide variety of fresh DSP for live and studio sound. No other mixer anywhere near this price class has expandable processing—only PreSonus StudioLive Series III.
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StudioLive Series III 64S

StudiLive 64S 是一款 64 通道调音台,它将一部大型控制台的能力带到了一部小型数码调音台上。由全新的四核 PreSonus FLEX DSP Engine 驱动,StudioLive 64S 数字调音台共装备有 76 路调音通道、43 路mix总线和 526 个可同时工作的处理器 - 包括 8 个立体声混响系统和每个输入通道和 MIX 总线上的 Fat Channel 插件模块。通过 128(64×64)通道的 USB 录音、128 通道的 AVB I/O、灵活的路由选择和录音室级别的音频质量,StudioLive 调音台成为了万人瞩目的产品,StudioLive 64S 在同一级别的产品中为你带来一种真正难以置信的调音体验。
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StudioLive Series III 32S

StudioLive 32S 是一款强大的 32 通道调音台,它将大型号调音台的特点融入进了小体积中,可以为你带来终极的调音体验。由 PreSonus 的双核 FLEX DSP Engine 驱动, StudioLive 32S 数字调音台装备有 40 个调音通道、26 组MIX 总线和 286 个可同时工作的处理器 - 包括 4 个立体声混响系统和每个输入通道和 MIX 总线上的 Fat Channel 插件。它支持 128 (64x64) 通道的 USB 录音,128 通道的 AVB 联网音频 I/O,它有着灵活的路由选择和录音室级的音频质量,StudioLive 32S 将带来的是一种快速且直观、上手容易的控制工作流程。花费更多的时间在调音本身而不是沦陷在各级菜单选项中。
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StudioLive Series III 32SX

StudioLive 32SX 数字调音台和所有的 PreSonus StudioLive Series III AVB 联网产品一同可以使你创造出一个完全属于自己的定制系统。连接 NSB 系列舞台箱可以增加遥控模拟输入和输出。而 EarMix 16M 个人监听调音台可以为演奏者们带来属于自己的 16 通道监听调音功能。多功能的 StudioLive Series III 数字调音台可以一起连入网络,使你从任何设备路由得到你需要的音频内容,这一切都归功于 Digital Patching 出色的灵活性,无论是在 StudioLive 32SX 数字调音台上还是在其内部的 UC Surface 遥控调音软件上你都可以找到这项功能。
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StudioLive Series III 32SC

StudioLive 32SC 是一款结构紧凑、可机架式安装的 32 通道数字调音台,可以简单快速地满足 16、24 和 32 通道的应用。不要被它的尺寸所欺骗;StudioLive 32SC 装备有一个双核 PreSonus FLEX DSP Engine,可以驱动 40 路调音通道、26 路调音总线和 286 个可同时使用的处理器 - 其中还包括 4 个立体声混响系统,每个输入和调音通道上的 Fat Channel 插件。通过 128 (64x64) 通道的 USB 录音和 AVB 网络音频 I/O、灵活的路由选项和录音室级别的音频质量,StudioLive 32SC 可以带来所有你所需要的工具 - 无论你是在打造你梦寐以求的录音室还是在巡演的路上。
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StudioLive 32 | 32通道数字调音台及带有电动推子的USB音频接口

通用控制33个触控屏幕,电动推子及可选:1对1工作流程 - 将所有通道分配至顶层页面,每个输入通道配有一个推子分离层工作流程 - 将推子在输入和输出之间拆分开,包括 DCA 和 Aux 输出RGB 选...
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StudioLive 16 | 32通道数字调音台及带有电动推子的USB音频接口

可记忆,16通道数字混音控制台(32路内置通道)16路输入通道(8路麦克风,8路麦克风/线路),都带有可记忆XMAX前置放大器17路触感,电动推子16弹性mix(Aux mix,Sub组或Matrix...
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StudioLive Series III 32R

The StudioLive 32R 是一款 34 路输入的32通道 Series III 系列机架式调音台/舞台箱
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StudioLive Series III 24R

The StudioLive 24R 是一款 26 路输入的 32 通道 Series III 系列机架式调音台/舞台箱
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StudioLive Series III 16R

The StudioLive 16R 是一款 18 路输入的16 通道 Series III 系列机架式调音台/舞台箱
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StudioLive AR8c

有着和模拟调音台一样的设计,StudioLive AR8c 可以简单地为你实现广播录制、现场演奏和音乐制作。
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StudioLive AR12c

StudioLive AR12c 专为录音而设计,它有着全新的模拟前端,12 组高增益 XMAX 麦克风前置放大器,14x4 24-bit, 96 kHz, USB-C 兼容 USB 2.0 音频接口,它的混合设计使得录音室音乐制作和现场演出变得更简单。
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StudioLive AR16c

StudioLive AR16c 专为录音而设计,它有着全新的模拟前端,12 组高增益 XMAX 麦克风前置放大器,18x4 24-bit, 96 kHz, USB-C 兼容 USB 2.0 音频接口,它的混合设计使得录音室音乐制作和现场演出变得更简单。
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StudioLive Classic 16.0.2 USB

无论是现场混音还是录音室制作,你都将高效地完成工作。StudioLive 16.0.2 USB 上的音频接口使用起来非常简单,它的操作直观可视度高,你可以轻松地进行各种操作和参数调节 - 从此告别各种复杂的分层隐藏菜单选项。
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NSB 16.8

特征模拟输入/输出锁定,可远程控制的组合麦克风/线路输入16个可远程控制的XMAX前置放大器共享输入的增益补偿8个锁定的XLR线路输出米表,控制和处理全部静音按钮+ 48V指示器可轻松设置和控制Stu...
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  • 5013次阅读

NSB 8.8

特征模拟输入/输出锁定,可远程控制的组合麦克风/线路输入8个可远程控制的XMAX前置放大器共享输入的增益补偿8个锁定的XLR线路输出米表,控制和处理全部静音按钮+ 48V指示器可轻松设置和控制Stud...
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EarMix 16M | 16x2 AVB 网络个人监听

特征模拟输入/输出1/ 8英寸立体声辅助输入2平衡1/4英寸TRS线路输出1/4英寸TRS立体声耳机输出,带有响亮清晰的耳机放大器-可驱动低阻抗入耳式监听音箱米表,控制和处理3频段均衡器-所有通道和主...
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PreSonus CDL12 是多年研发的成果,它将点声源和线阵列技术的特性结合到了正在申请专利的独特设计中。
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